
Saturday, May 31, 2008

New artwork

Welcome to my first blog post, ever! After seeing Hillary's blog and becoming frustrated with the fact that I no longer know HTML and have no editor at work, I decided to do it this way to post my new artwork. Once I can get a gallery page going or something figured out, I'll use this as only a way to let everyone know that I have new artwork posted.

Hillary, Val and Ellen: I just want to let y'all know that I am still working on this class, I've just been a little silent lately and haven't had a chance to scan anything in or work with PI. Sat down last night and tried working on two homework lessons at once, not a bright idea, but at least I got what sketches I have scanned in finally.

Here is what I was working on for shadows and highlights. Since I was at work and had nothing to go from, I went on and found pictures of vegetables and fruits and tried to sketch from them. Misc Sketches

The next two I worked on at my friend's house after I asked him for help with my sketches and showed him the work I had done so far. The apple took me a while to get down and was very frustrating because I couldn't get the shape down how I wanted. Next we come to the orange, suffice it to say that spheres are not my specialty. I have trouble getting the shading down correctly.

This one was done sometime later on last week while I was at work. I took the little bottle of orange juice I had, I think it was actually last Saturday, and sketched it out real quick to see if I could start honing in on shadows and highlights. I guess it came out well enough.

I did these doodles waiting for the train trying to get rid of excess emotion I was going through. Just random little stuff, but I like some of em.

Now on to the homework. This I did the other night in bed, right before going to sleep. I think it came out pretty well. I finished putting the handle and adding the cup from the picture that you gave us to go off of Hillary, but everything else was freehand. Now I just need to bring it over to PI and start working on my painting.

And one last sketch that I have so far. I worked on trying one of the exercises and chose the coastline. LOL...May not have been a good idea, but I sometimes enjoy a challenge. Here is what I got, I started differentiating colors of the landscape by strokes and shading on the sketch so that it didn't all come out one color, even though it technically did.

Well that should be enough for now, need to get ready to make sure I don't miss this train. I'll be working on stuff this afternoon, so I'm sure I will have more to post.

